Actual projects
Adaptation and decision making mechanisms of complex networks
In this project we identified two general mechanisms of the adaptation of complex systems to changes in their environment. Shifts between a.) more plastic and b.) more rigid states (plasticity-rigidity cycles) enable the complex systems and their network representations a.) to explore a wide range of potential responses, or b.) to select the optimal response, respectively. In case of known situations, system response is often defined by a fast action of well-selected few nodes of the network core. On the contrary, in unknown situations a multitude of peripheral nodes are also involved in the slowly emerging community response, the wisdom of crowds. Such a "slow democracy" process may also refine the primary, fast response of core nodes. More...
Network modules/communities
Our work focuses on special methods for analysing the fine structure of complex networks comprising many interacting elements with directed or undirected links. More...
Network perturbation analysis
This project investigates the perturbations of networks identifying key network elements, dissecting the propagation of signals and noise and analyzing signal transmission and the dissipation of noise in biological systems.
Network representation, coarse-graining and ordering of data
This project is focused on the concept of "A unified data representation theory for network visualization, ordering and coarse-graining" by István Kovács, Réka Mizsei and Peter Csermely and features the EntOpt network visualization Cytoscape 3.1 plug-in made by Máté Szalay-Bekő.
Protein interaction networks, stress, apoptosis and aging
In this project we analyze the changes of protein-protein interaction networks in stress, in apoptosis, during aging and in disease. We extend our studies to other types of networks trying to identify common topological transitions in networks during crisis and recovery. We study the disassembly and reassembly of network modular structure during and after stress, where creative network elements, such as molecular chaperones play a key brokerage role in the latter process.
Signalling networks
The SignaLinK group is working with signalling networks in collaboration with Péter Csermely, Tibor Vellai, Tamás Vicsek and Bálint Szabó. Our aim is to experimentally prove our hypothesis on embed adaptation of network topology in C. elegans.
Networks and drug design
Despite improved rational drug design and a remarkable progress in genomic, proteomic and high-throughput screening methods, the number of novel, single-target drugs fell much behind expectations during the past decade. The project is aimed to find novel drug targets, which are less vulnerable to the development of resistance, and to the mobilization of secondary pathways of cellular networks. More...
Past, now closed projects
Actual projects:
Adaptation and decision making mechanisms of complex networks
Network modules/communities
Network perturbation analysis
Network representation, coarse-graining and ordering of data
Protein interaction networks, stress, apoptosis and aging
Signalling networks
Networks and drug design
Past, now closed projects:
Comparison of engineered and evolved networks
Social network
Citation networks
Personality and social networks
Dynamics of social networks
Ecosystems -- Scavenger
Network stability, dynamics and spatial games
Protein structure networks
Metabolic networks
Published by the LINK-Group
Editor: Péter Csermely
| Last updated on 10 09 2013
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