Actual projects
Past, now closed projects:
Comparison of engineered and evolved networks
This research project wants to explore the differences in the topology and dynamism of evolved and engineered networks in a systematic way. The expected results will help the more rational design of complicated engineered objects. More...
Social networks:
Citation networks
Structure and structural changes of small social networks. This project is aimed to understand the meaning of structure and structural changes of small social networks (up to 50-100 actors) in the maintenance of stability
Personality and social networks
This project is aimed to understand the relationship between the speciality of the networks and the feature of the personality, like anxiety, or well-being. Our expectable hypothesis is that the optimal size of a network can protect the personality.
Dynamics of social networks
This project is aimed to classify the dynamic of growing social networks.
Ecosystems -- Scavenger
Network stability, dynamics and spatial games
This complex project is aimed to understand the rules of network evolution and the emergence of network complexity. In hope to find key aspects in this multi-task process, we combine three independent, but interrelated approaches. More...
Protein structure networks
This project is identifying important elements of protein structure by network analysis, where we model the protein structure by amino acid or hydrogen-bond networks. Our target proteins include those of the cytochrome P450 family as key members of drug metabolism.
Metabolic networks
This project is based on the expertise of the Pál-Papp duo on flux-balance analysis and combines this knowledge with their recent advances in high-throughput experimental techniques on in vitro evolution of single-cell organisms.
Actual projects:
Network modules/communities
Protein interaction networks, stress, apoptosis and aging
Signalling networks
Networks and drug design
Past, now closed projects:
Comparison of engineered and evolved networks
Social network
Citation networks
Personality and social networks
Dynamics of social networks
Ecosystems -- Scavenger
Network stability, dynamics and spatial games
Protein structure networks
Metabolic networks
Published by the LINK-Group
Editor: Péter Csermely
| Last updated on 10 09 2013
Design and maintenance
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