Members of the LINK-group
Dr. Bence Károly Ágg
Assistant Professor, Semmelweis University
bence [at] suopte.com
Donát Buszlai
Computer Engineering student of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Dr. Péter Csermely
professor of biochemistry,
Semmelweis University, School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Biology
csermelynet [at] gmail.com
Réka Czinege
MD student of the Semmelweis University
Dávid Deritei
Research Fellow, Brigham and Womens' Hospital, Harvard University, Boston MA USA
deriteidavid [at] gmail.com
Maryam El Jaoussi
Medical Student of the Semmelweis University
meljaoussi22 [at] gmail.com
Bánk Fenyves
MD, PhD, Semmelweis University
emergency physician
f.bank.g [at] gmail.com
Márk Kerestély
MD-PhD Student at Semmelweis University
akermar18 [at] gmail.com
Dávid Keresztes PhD
Senior Assistant Professor of the Semmelweis University
keresztes.david [at] outlook.com
Borbála Kovács MD
PhD student and Research Fellow of the Semmelweis University
borri.bon [at] gmail.com
Dr. István Kovács, PhD
Assistant Professor of Northwestern University, Chicago IL USA
Kovacs.pisti [at] gmail.com
Nina Kunsic
PhD student at Semmelweis University, Budapest
kunsic.nina [at] gmail.com
Gábor Máthé
MD student of the Semmelweis University
mathe.gabor [at] hotmail.com
Péter Mendik MD, PhD
petermendik [at] gmail.com
Botond Mészáros
Physics BSc student at Eötvös Lóránd University
meszaros.botond28 [at] gmail.com
Zsolt Nagy
Firmware Engineer at Nokia, Budapest; Economics MSc Student
nagy.zsolt347 [at] gmail.com
István Narozsny
MD student of the Semmelweis University
narozsnystefan [at] gmail.com
Vilmos Neuman
MChem student of the University of Oxford
vilmos.neuman [at] st-hildas.ox.ac.uk
Klára Schulc
MD, PhD student of Semmelweis University
rako.klari [at] gmail.com
Erik Seitz
MD student of the Semmelweis University
erikseitz [at] outlook.com
Levente Szarka
MSc, PhD student of the Semmelweis University
szarka.lev.10 [at] gmail.com
Gábor Sándor Szilágyi
MD, PhD student of the Semmelweis University, Budapest
gaborkocsis96 [at] gmail.com
Zsolt Vassy
MSc Graduate in physics, independent IT professional
zsolt.vassy [at] gmail.com
Dr. Dániel Veres PhD
Chief Scientific Officer and Co-Founder of Turbine Ltd.
daniel.veres [at] turbine.ai
Tamás Veres
Student of the University of Cambridge
veres454 [at] gmail.com
Former members of the group
Published by the LINK-Group
Editor: Péter Csermely
| Last updated on 10 09 2013
Design and maintenance
| Visitors since 7th July 2004: