
Yangqiaoyu Zhou


  • Name: Yangqiaoyu Zhou (Rosa)
  • E-mail: zhour [at]


  • June 2020: Carleton College Majors: Mathematics & Computer Science


  • March - August 2018, Carleton College Oesper Lab

    - Computational Biology Research: Developing Distance Measure on Cancer Evolutionary Trees

    - Conducted research on and created new distance measures for cancer evolutionary trees (directed acyclic graphs) to reflect biological meaning

    - Implemented the algorithm with Python (NumPy), and used R for statistical tests on the performance of the distance metrics

  • Jan - June 2017, Physics Department, Carleton College

    - Optics Research: Fabricating Macroscopic Polymer Lenses

    - Investigated effects of varying interfacial surface tension on macroscopic polymer lenses


  • Proficiency in: Java, Python, R, C
  • Exposure to: Kotlin, RShiny, Scheme, Swift, Javascript, Arduino C, HTML5/CSS, bash, Excel macros, Scratch
  • Tools and Systems: Git & Github, Java servlets, Maven AppEngine, Google Cloud Platform and APIs, Android Studio, Django, Excel (With VBA), RStudio, Microsoft suite, Raspberry Pi
  • Spoken Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese
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