- E-mail: fagyallo [at]
- 2013–2018 Secondary School, Lovassy László Secondary Grammar School, Veszprém - Hungary, Advanced Mathematics Class
- 2018–2021 Bachelor, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Science, Budapest - Hungary, Physics BSc.
Final Thesis: Creating Artificial Networks with Real Life Characteristics (supervised byAnna Zafeiris)
- 2021– Masters, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Science, Budapest - Hungary, Biophysics MSc
- Hungarian - Native
- English - Advanced (C1)
- German - Intermediate (B2)
- Python: Intermediate - Data Exploration, Simulation and Visualisation; Network Implementation and Analysis
- C: Beginner - Mostly Data Simulation
- SuperCollider, MATLAB, C++: Basic (self-learned) knowledge
- Windows shell, UNIX bash: User level knowledge
Fields of Interest (Previous Studies)
- Network Analysis - Statistical appriach for complex inner-network dynamics (mostly Epidemic and Social networks): degree correlations, network models, robustness, spreading, motifs and communities
- Signalling Networks - Quantitative Approach: Transcription (Perceptron and Boolean networks), EGF Signal Transduction, Stochastic Simulations of Coupled Chemical Reactions
- Medical Imaging - MRI Physics (Sequences, Signal Processing, Imaging)
- Sound generation, transportation