- Name: Kuljeet Sandhu
- Date of birth: Oct 1, 1982
- Sex: Male
- Nationality: Indian
- Marital status: Single
- Email:

- Doctorate of Philosophy, 2007-2010
Dept. of Microbiology, Tumour and Cell Biology (MTC)
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
- Thesis: "Networks in Epigenetics"
We decipher and annotate novel networks in context of epigenetics. In particular, we identify a chromatin interaction network (CIN) centered on one of the Achilles' heels in mammalian development, namely H19-imprinting control region or H19-ICR. We attempt to characterize functional and mechanical insights of these interactions. We further extend to protein interaction networks (PINs) and identified a development and metabolism related, highly central network-module that compromises with robustness of whole human PIN when malfunction. In yet another study we uncovered a common structural feature supposedly responsible for high degree and diversity of protein interactions, again in context of epigenetics. A summary of the thesis is included in the attached appendix.
Supervisor: Prof. Rolf Ohlsson
- Masters of Science in Bioinformatics, 2006
79% aggregate, Sikkim Manipal Univsersity, Sikkim, India.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics, 2004
74% aggregate, Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology (IBAB), Bangalore,India.
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology, Botany and Chemistry, 2001
71% aggregate, Lucknow Christian Post Graduate College, Lucknow, India.
- 2010- postdoctoral fellow of the Genome Institute of Singapore
Laboratory of Yijun Ruan elucidating the structure and dynamics of functional DNA elements in complex genomes through transcriptome characterization.
- 2007-10, Uppsala university, Uppsala and Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
I worked under the able supervision of Prof. Rolf Ohlsson. The work primarily includes computational analysis of large scale chromatin interaction data resulted from an in-house developed technique named Circular Chromosome Conformation Capture (4C) combined with tiling array. As per requirement in the lab, I spent quite a good amount of time in wet lab performing bulk of in-situ experiments. The PhD program also includes regular course work, journal clubs, work seminars and post-graduate teaching.
- 2004-06, Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), Delhi, India.
I worked at GN Ramachandran Center of Genome Informatics with Prof. Samir Brahmchari and Dr. Debasis Dash. The work includes large scale analysis of protein structures, algorithm/ database development and microarray analysis.
- Apr-Sep 04, Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Bioinformatics, Bangalore, India.
I work with Dr. Kshitish Acharya to develop algorithms for primer designing and text mining.
- Oct, 03-March, 04, IBM Software Labs, Bangalore, India
I worked in Technology Incubation Center (TIC) with their bioinformatics team. We proposed a novel regulon based method to characterize large scale cancer gene expression data.
- Computational skills
- Operating systems: Linux, Unix, Wiindows
- Programming: Proficient in PERL and R, working knowledge of C and JAVA.
- Web: HTML, XML, CGI, Apache server configuration
- Database: mySQL, DBI
- Others: Most bioinformatics s/w utilities available online.
- Experimental skills
- Cell culture: MEFs, ES cells, cancer cell lines and siRNA tranfection
- Microbiology: Bacterial cell culture, BAC/plasmid isolation.
- Mol. Biology: Chromatin/DNA/RNA preparation, ChIP, Q-PCR.
- In-situ: Multicolor DNA FISH and IF
- Microscopy: Carl Zeiss Meta LSM, Grid confocal (OptiGrid) and others
- Prof. Rolf Ohlsson
Strategic Professor in Genome Integrity
Dept. of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell biology
Karolinska Institute, Nobel vag 16, Solna
Stockholm, Sweden 171 77
E-mail: Rolf.ohlsson [at]
Phone: 00 46 8 52486203
- Dr. Debasis Dash
Faculty Scientist
GN Ramachandran Knowledge Center
for Genome Informatics, Institute of
Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB),
CSIR, Mall Road, Delhi-110 007, India.
E-mail: ddash [at]
Phone: 91 11 41708323 extn 121
- Dr. Chandrasekhar Kanduri
Associate Professor
Dept. of Genetics & Pathology
Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala University
Uppsala Sweden 751 85
E-mail: kanduri.chandrasekhar [at]
Phone: 00 46 18 4714821
- Dr. N. Raghuram
Associate Professor
University School of Biotechnology, GGS IP University, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-
110403, INdia
E-mail: raghuram98 [at]
Phone: 91 11 23900222, 23900223
Conference presentations
- Networks in Epigenetics. Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), Singapore. Aug 17, 2010 (Invited talk)
- Network Paradigm in Epigenetics. Frederich Meischer Institute (FMI), Basel, Switzerland Feb, 2010 (Invited talk)
- Chromsomal Networks: A higher order structure-function paradigm. A Swedish Network in Epigenetics, 2nd Annual Meeting Stockholm, Sweden, 2008 October 23-24 (talk)
- Chromosomal Networks and Epigenetic Reprogramming. 2nd Epigenome Mapping Workshop of the NOE “The Epigenome”. Max-Planck Tagungsstätte, Berlin, Germany. 2007 Sept 9 (talk)
- Role of CTCF in genome-wide chromosomal interactions. 4th International Conference on “CTCF and BORIS in Development, Epigenetics and Disease” . Santander, Spain, 2007 Sept 19-22 (talk)
- Chromosomal interactions: dating in the nucleus. EBC Symposium. Evolutionary Biology Center, Uppsala University, Sweden. 2007 Nov 22 (talk)
- Mining the genome-wide screens of chromosomal networks. Stockholm-Uppsala Chromatin Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 2007 May 29 (talk)
- Epigenetically controlled chromosomal networks. A Swedish Network in Epigenetics, 1st Annual Meeting, Johannesberges Castle Stockholm, Sweden, 2007 Sept 27-28 (poster)
- Developmentally regulated chromosomal networks. EBC Symposium. Evolutionary Biology Center, Uppsala University, Uppsala 75236, Sweden. 2007 Nov 22 (Poster)
- Exprimer: A novel tool to design primers from exon-junctions. Symposium on Bioinformatics for Genome Analysis. Bose Institute, Kolkata, India. 2004 January 29-30 (Poster)
- High on metabolism, high on protein: A comparison of N metabolising enzymes in rice and Spirulina. Society of Biological Chemists, annual conference, PAU, Ludhiyana, India. 2002 Nov 14-16 (Poster)
Teaching experience
I delivered a lecture series on “Introduction to modern epigenetics” to post-graduate students at Uppsala University in year 2008. (Course coordinator: Dr. Elena Jazin, Dept. of Animal Developmen and Genetics, Evolutionary Biology Center, Uppsala University). The program includes interactive lectures, designing assignments and round-table discussions.
Awards and Scholarships
- Foundation of Zoological Research, Uppsala University (2007-09)
- Sartorius scholarship for the best life science student at IBAB (2003-04).
- IBM scholarship for interns (2003-04).
- Bronze medal for scoring 3rd rank in B.Sc. in the college (2001).
- 2nd rank in 10+2 standard.
- Award for scoring highest marks in Biology and Social Science in high school (1996).
- 1st rank in high school (1996).
- Total research articles: 15
- 1st author articles: 8
- Corresponding author: 3
- Sandhu KS, Zhao Z, Shi C, Ohlsson R*. Genome-wide chromatin interactions of mouse H19 imprinting control locus negate a general link to CTCF. Manuscript, 2010
- Reinius B, Shi C, Hengshuo L, Sandhu KS, Radomska K, Rosen GD, Lu L, Kullander K, Williams RW and Jazin E. Female-biased non-coding RNAs are co-localized with protein-coding X-inactivation escapee genes on mouse X-chromosome. BMC Genomics, 2010 (under review)
- Sandhu KS*. Systems properties of proteins encoded by imprinted genes. Epigenetics, 2010; 5 (7) (early online).
- Sandhu KS, Shi C, Sjolinder M, Zhao Z, Gondor A, Liu L, Tiwari VK, Guibert S, Emilsson L, Imreh MP, Ohlsson R*. Nonallelic transvection of multiple imprinted loci is organized by the H19 imprinting control region during germline development. Genes Dev. 2009; Nov 15; 23: 2592-2597.
- Sandhu KS*. Intrinsic disorder explains diverse nuclear roles of chromatin remodeling proteins. J Mol Recognit. 2009 Jan-Feb;22(1):1-8.
- Sandhu KS*, Pandey S, Maiti S, Pillai B. GASCO: genetic algorithm simulation for codon optimization. In Silico Biol. 2008;8(2):187-92.
- Ali A, Jha P, Sandhu KS, Raghuram N*. Spirulina nitrate assimilating enzymes (NR, NiR, GS) have higher specific activities and are more stabile than those of rice. Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants. 2008 July; 14 (3): 179-182.
- Prakash T, Sandhu KS, Singh NK, Bhasin Y, Ramakrishnan C, Brahmachari SK*. Structural assessment of glycyl mutations in invariantly conserved motifs. Proteins. 2007 Nov 15;69(3):617-32.
- Sandhu KS, Dash D*. Dynamic alpha-helices: conformations that do not conform. Proteins. 2007 Jul 1;68(1):109-22.
- Ganapathi M, Singh GP, Sandhu KS, Brahmachari SK, Brahmachari V*. A whole genome analysis of 5' regulatory regions of human genes for putative cis-acting modulators of nucleosome positioning. Gene. 2007 Apr 15;391(1-2):242-51.
- BioSuite: A comprehensive bioinformatics software package (A unique industry–academia pcollaboration). The NMITLI-BioSuite Team. Current Science. 2007 Jan 10; 92 (1): 29-38.
- Zhao Z, Tavoosidana G, Sjölinder M, Göndör A, Mariano P, Wang S, Kanduri C, Lezcano M, Sandhu KS, Singh U, Pant V, Tiwari V, Kurukuti S, Ohlsson R*. Circular chromosome conformation capture (4C) uncovers extensive networks of epigenetically regulated intra- and interchromosomal interactions. Nat Genet. 2006 Nov;38(11):1341-7.
- Sandhu KS, Dash D*. Conformational flexibility may explain multiple cellular roles of PEST motifs. Proteins. 2006 Jun 1;63(4):727-32.
- Singh GP$, Ganapathi M$, Sandhu KS, Dash D*. Intrinsic unstructuredness and abundance of PEST motifs in eukaryotic proteomes. Proteins. 2006 Feb 1;62(2):309-15.
- Sandhu KS, Acharya KK*. ExPrimer: to design primers from exon--exon junctions. Bioinformatics. 2005 May 1;21(9):2091-2.