- Name: Huba Kiss, MD
- Place of birth: Komló, Hungary
- Date of birth: 23.02.1985.
- Nationality: Hungarian
- Email:

- 1999-2003: Leőwey Klára High School, Pécs
- 2003-2009: University of Pécs, Medical Faculty – MD degree
- 2009-: Semmelweis University – resident of ophtalmology
- 2012-: Semmelweis University – PhD studies
Research and Professional Experience:
- 2004-2009: University of Pécs, Medical faculty, Department of Physiology –
undergraduate researcher
- 2006-2009: University of Pécs, Medical faculty, Department of Physiology – assistant teacher in the Physiology practices
- 2008-: Network research group of Professor Peter Csermely – undergraduate researcher
- 2009-: Semmelweis University, Department of Ophthalmology – resident in ophthalmology
- 2010: Good Clinical Practice certificate
- 2010-: participation in the ophthalmology education of 5th year English and Hungarian medical students
- 2011: SPSS Training Course
- 2011-: Semmelweis University “Kerpel Fronius Ödön” Talent Support Program – member of the program
- 2011-: representative of young Hungarian ophthalmologists at the European Society of Ophthalmology
- 2011-: participation in ophthalmology clinical trials of Novartis and Bayer
- 2012-: participation in the training of special assistants in ophthalmology
- 2012-: participation in the work of the Budapest Retina Associates Ophthalmology Center
- 2013-: participation in ophthalmology clinical trials at the Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
- 2013: One week long research work in Experimental Ophthalmology Department of the Universitat des Saarlandes at Professor Achim Langenbucher, Homburg, Germany
- 2013: Half a year long full time researcher work in the Department of Ophthalmology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary under the supervision of Professor Janos Nemeth and Professor Shabtay Dikstein of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 2013-: supervision of the research work of an undergraduate researcher
- 2007. Hungarian National Undergraduate Researcher Competition: first price in topic Physiology
- 2009. Hungarian National Undergraduate Researcher Competition: second price in topic Physiology
- 2009. Pro Scientia Golden Medal (the highest award of the Hungarian National Undergraduate Researcher Council)
- 2009. Special award of Zoltan Magyary Public Foundation for Higher Education (for the most successful Hungarian student in Life Sciences of 2008-2009)
- 2009. Mestyán-award, University of Pécs (the most successful undergraduate researcher in the senior class)
- 2010- Rector's list of the best students and young members of the Semmelweis University
- 2010- Member of the Ödön Kerpel-Fronius Talent Support Program of the Semmelweis University
- 2011. The best lecture of young ophthalmologists award, Hungarian Society of Ophtalmology
- English: advanced
- German: intermediate
- Markó K, Kiss HJM, Mikó-Baráth E, Bártfai O, Török B, Kovács I and Jandó G (2009) Contrast independence of Dynamic Random Dot Correlogram Evoked-VEP amplitude. Journal of Vision, 9(4):8, 1–10. IF: 3,8. Download it!
- Kiss HJM, Mihalik Á, Nánási T, Őry B, Spiró Z, Sőti C. and Csermely P (2009) Ageing as a price of cooperation and complexity: Self-organization of complex systems causes the ageing of constituent networks. BioEssays, 31(6):651-64.
IF: 5,4. Visit it at!
Available from Nature Precedings
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- Csermely, P., Sandhu, K.S., Hazai, E., Hoksza, Z., Kiss, H.J.M., Miozzo, F. Veres, D.V., Piazza, F. and Nussinov, R. (2012) Disordered proteins and network disorder in network representations of protein structure, dynamics and function. Hypotheses and a comprehensive review. Curr. Prot. Pept. Sci. 13, 19-33, IF: 3,9,
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- Markó K, Mikó-Baráth E, Kiss HJM, Török B, Jandó G (2012) Effects of luminance on dynamic random-dot correlogram evoked visual potentials. Perception, 41(6):648-60. IF: 1.3
- Csermely P, Korcsmáros T, Kiss HJM, London G and Nussinov R (2012) Structure and dynamics of biological networks: a novel paradigm of drug discovery. A comprehensive review. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, in press, IF: 8.6, preprint is available:
- Lukacs R, Resch M, Kiss HJM, Barta A, Borbandy A, Szabo A, Papp A and Nemeth J (2013) Cataract surgery in intravitreal ranibizumab injection-treated patients with age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmologia Hungarica 150(1):19-23.
- Schneider M, Szekeres O, Kiss HJM, Kis M, Nemeth J and Papp A (2013) Comparison of thickness values in nine macular subfields using time-domain and spectral- domain OCT. Hungarian Medical Journal in press
- Kiss HJM and Nemeth J (2013) Examination of conservative treatment possibility of conjunctivochalasis – A preliminary report. Ophthalmologia Hungarica 150(4):28-32.
Other publications
- Kiss H (2010) Introduction of the Singaporean clinical research, Szemészet (Hung.) 147:104
- Hungarian congresses:
- 4 first author and 12 co-author participations with posters and lectures
- International congresses:
- 2007: YES meeting, Porto, Portugal, lecture
- 2008: ISCOMS, Groeningen, The Netherlands, poster
- 2009: CROSS, Zagreb, Croatia, lecture (second author)
- 2011: SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems, Salt Lake City, USA, lecture (third author)
- 2012: XII Congress of Croatian Ophthalmological Society, Bol, Croatia, lecture, case report
- 2013: ARVO, Seattle, USA, lecture (second author)
- 2013: TFOS, Taormina, Italy, poster (third author)
Community activity:
- 2007–2009. University of Pécs, Medical Faculty, board member of the student council for undergraduate research
- 2008. organization of the local Undergraduate Student Research Congress
- 2009. organization of the local Undergraduate Student Research Congress
- 2009. organization of the Hungarian Undergraduate Student Research Congress, Medical Section
- 2011. setup and statistical evaluation of a database on the surgical interventions of the Department of Ophthalmology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
- 2012- organization of the Budapest Retina Evenings lecture series