- Place and date of birth: Budapest, 10th February 1983
- Nationality: Hungarian
- Family status: Single
- E-mail: g.bandi [at]
- 1997- 2001 Kalmár László High School, Budapest
- 2001 - 2008: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Computer science B.Sc. + M.Sc.
- 2008 - : Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, PhD student
Research and development activity
- 2008: Participation in micro-electro-mechanical systems design optimisation using anti-optimisation methods, Cranfield University
- 2008- : Research and development of Virtual Living Organism programming paradigm and library, Cranfield University
Professional skills
- Programming languages and technologies: C,C++, C#, ASP.NET, JAVA, Java EE, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, PHP, PERL, SQL, PL/SQL, BASIC, PASCAL, Object Pascal, ADA, DELPHI, VRML, Flash ActionScript, PVM, PROLOG, B, ASSEMBLY, MATLAB, M1, Clips, lex, yacc
- Massively multithreaded/parallel programming
- Creating cross-platform applications and libraries
Areas of interest
- Virtual organism
- Artificial life
- Artificial intelligence
- Programming languages
Social skills and activities
- Trainings in project management, time management, leadership theory, teamwork, communication and conflict resolution.
Language skills
- Hungarian: native
- English: advanced level
- Bándi, G. (2009) Limits of anti-optimisation in MEMS design. Nanotechnology Perceptions(5), 205-209.
- Benkhelifa, E., Farnsworth, M., Tiwari, A., Bándi, G., Zhu, M. (2010) Design and optimisation of microelectromechanical systems: a review of the state-of-the-art. International Journal of Design Engineering 3(1), 41 – 76
- Bándi, G., Ramsden, J. J. (2010) Biological programming. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry(10), 39–43.
- Geocaching
- Hiking
- Playing piano