- 2013- : PhD student at Department of Medical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Pathobiochemistry, Semmelweis University, supervisor: Prof. Peter Csermely
- 2010 - 2014: Péter Pázmány University information technology (guest student)
- 2007 - 2013: Semmelweis University of Medicine, general physician, Budapest
- 2007: High school final exam (A+ with distinction; biology-chemistry specialization) Veres Péter Secondary School
- 2000 - 2007: Veres Péter Secondary School, Budapest
Professional Experience
- 2015- : Chief Medical Officer, Co-Founder at Turbine
- September 2014 - July 2015: External Research Associate at DZZOM, the network medicine company
- December 2013- : FŐNIX-MED, emergency physician, Budapest, Hungary
- August 2013: Erzsébet Camp, camp doctor, Balatonberény, Hungary
- July 2012: KB Petrova, medical practice of gynaecology and obstetrics, Zagreb, Croatia (IFMSA Professional Exchange)
- August 2011: Medical Center - Hungarian Defence Forces, summer medical practice of surgery, Budapest, Hungary
- August 2010: Medical Center - Hungarian Defence Forces, summer medical practice of internal medicine, Budapest, Hungary
- August 2008: Gálfi Béla Medicine and Rehabilitation, summer nursery practice, Pomáz, Hungary
Research Experience
- May 2018 - July 2018: ComPPI v2.0 upgrade supervisor
- February 2014 - May 2014: Visiting researcher at The Institute of Cancer Research, London (supervisor Dr. Nathan Brown) and the University of Cambridge (supervisor Dr. Andreas Bender) - joint student in kinase polypharmacology and the prediction of clinically relevant mutations
- 2013: Pro Scientia Gold Medal candidate, 5th in Biological section
- 2013: National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference, oral presentation, 1st place and JATE Press special prize (Bioinformatics section)
- 2012: Research Student Conference of the Eötvös Loránd University, oral presentation (Molecular biology and pharmacology section)
- 2012: XVII. Korányi Frigyes Scientific Forum, oral presentation (Basic research section)
- 2012: Research Student Conference of the Semmelweis University, oral presentation (Biophysics, bioinformatics section), citable abstract in Orvosképzés (LXXXVII. S1:1-284)
- 2011: Research Student Conference of the Semmelweis University, oral presentation, 3rd place (Biophysics, bioinformatics section), citable abstract in Orvosképzés (LXXXVI. S1:1-268)
- 2010: 2 high school research students – Gabriella Marosi and Zsolt Hoksza (LINK-group members), instructors: Dániel Veres and Péter Csermely – became finalist in TUDOK 2010 scientific competition
- 2009 - 2013: Students' Research Work, supervisor: Prof. Peter Csermely
- 2008- : participation in LINK-Group
Teaching Experience
- 2014 - : Module leader and Mentor, Milestone Institute, Budapest
- 2011-2012: Teacher of sports medicine, Közgazdasági Politechnikum, Budapest
Professional Skills
- Protein-protein interaction networks and databases
- Subcellular localization prediction and databases
- Database building, biomedical data statistics
- Project management, team work, peer-review (PLOS ONE, Scientific Reports)
Computer Skills
- Bioinformatic skills: sequence alignment, microarray analysis, analysis of network topology and dynamics
- Programming skills: C++ beginner, Python beginner, R intermediate, PHP beginner, Bash beginner
- MS Office
International Conferences and Schools
- 2016: Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences, Leuven, Belgium
- 2015: International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School, Taormina, Sicily, Italy
- 2015: Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2015 (oral presentation) - Eger, Hungary
- 2014: Interdisciplinary Signaling Workshop 2014 - Visegrád, Hungary
- 2014: International Summer School on Network Science - Balatonfüred, Hungary
- 2013: Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2013 - Siófok, Hungary
- 2011: The Science of Ageing – University of Brighton, UK (scholarship of the Aarhus University)
- 2011: Final Annual Scientific Meeting of PROTEOMAGE - Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
- 2010: 6th Symposium of the Danish Proteomics Society (DAPSOC); PROTEOMAGE workshop - University of Southern Denmark, Odense
Online Courses
- 2013: Statistics One, Princeton University, Coursera - completed
- 2013: An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python, Rice University, Coursera - partially completed
Social Activities
- 2013: Semmelweis Figyelő - editor (in Hungarian)
- 2011-2013:, The doctorspaper – professional journalist, editor in chief (in Hungarian)
- 2012: Jeles lesz az érettségim! - Biológia közép- és emelt szinten, Műszaki Kiadó (articles from for biology high school final exam preparation in Hungarian)
- 2011: Daniel Veres, Péter Csermely: Networks in the nature - The Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the improvement of science teaching (a web-based description of biological networks in Hungarian)
- 2010-2011:, Messenger in life sciences – professional journalist (in Hungarian)
Language skills
- English (intermediate level)
- German (intermediate level)
- Hungarian (mother tongue)
Areas of Interest
- medicine, systems biology, networks, complex systems, cancer biology, biotechnology, natural sciences
- teaching, language learning, listening to music, arts, photography, reading, writing
- sports - running, hiking, mountain bike, swimming, canoeing
- cars, motorcycles, technology, building
- Veres, D.V., Gyurko, M.D., Thaler, B., Szalay, K., Fazekas, D., Korcsmaros, T. and Csermely, P. (2015) ComPPI: a cellular compartment-specific database for protein-protein interaction network analysis. Nucleic Acids Res. 43, D485-D493. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku1007. IF: 9,2;; Download it!

- Csermely, P., Hódsági, J., Korcsmáros, T., Módos, D., Perez-Lopez, A.R., Szalay, K., Veres, D.V., Lenti, K., Wu, L.Y. and Zhang, X.S. (2015) Cancer stem cells display extremely large evolvability: alternating plastic and rigid networks as a potential mechanism. Network models, novel therapeutic target strategies and the contributions of hypoxia, inflammation and cellular senescence. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 30, 42-51. IF: 9,9 .
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- Gyurko, D.M., Veres, D.V., Modos, D., Lenti, K., Korcsmaros, T. and Csermely, P. (2013) Adaptation and learning of molecular networks as a description of cancer development at the systems-level: Potential use in anti-cancer therapies. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 23, 262-269 IF: 9,1
- Csermely, P., Sandhu, K.S., Hazai, E., Hoksza, Z., Kiss, H.J.M., Miozzo, F. Veres, D.V., Piazza, F. and Nussinov, R. (2012) Disordered proteins and network disorder in network representations of protein structure, dynamics and function. Hypotheses and a comprehensive review. Curr. Prot. Pept. Sci. 13, 19-33, IF: 2,3,
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- Simkó, G. I., Gyurkó, D., Veres, D. V., Nánási, T. and Csermely, P. (2009) Network strategies to understand the aging process and help age-related drug design. Genome Medicine 1, 90
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- Ivan Fekete, Kristof Z Szalay, Daniel V. Veres, Peter Csermely (2016); Robust computational prediction of personalized drug combinations; Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences, Leuven, Belgium
- Daniel V. Veres, David M. Gyurkó, Benedek Thaler, Kristof Zs. Szalay, David Fazekas, Tamas Korcsmaros, Peter Csermely (2015); ComPPI: compartmentalized protein-protein interaction database, International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School, Taormina, Sicily, Italy
- Daniel V. Veres, David M. Gyurkó, Benedek Thaler, Kristof Zs. Szalay, David Fazekas, Tamas Korcsmaros, Peter Csermely (2014); ComPPI: compartmentalized protein-protein interaction database, Interdisciplinary Signaling Workshop, Visegrád, Hungary
- Denes Türei, David Fazekas, Kitti Csalyi, Dezso Modos, Tamas Kadlecsik, Janos Kubisch, Daniel V. Veres, Reka E. Toth, Zoltan Dul, Benedek Thaler, David Gyurkó, Mate Palfy, Bernadette Hotzi, Viktor A. Billes, Mihaly Koltai, Mate Szalay-Beko, Illes J. Farkas, Katalin Lenti, Mate Varga, Tibor Vellai, Peter Csermely, Tamas Korcsmaros (2014);
SignaLink 3, a curated and integrated signaling resource for tissue-specific network modeling and detailed analysis of signaling pathways, Interdisciplinary Signaling Workshop, Visegrád, Hungary
- Ivan Fekete, Kristof Zs. Szalay, Daniel V. Veres, Peter Csermely, Csaba Soti (2014); The role of Hsp90 in the regulation of the human signal transduction, Interdisciplinary Signaling Workshop, Visegrád, Hungary
- Daniel V. Veres, David M. Gyurkó, Benedek Thaler, Kristóf Zs. Szalay, Dávid Fazekas, Tamás Korcsmáros, Péter Csermely (2013); ComPPI: a compartmentalized protein-protein interaction database, Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2013, Siófok, Hungary
- Daniel V. Veres, David M. Gyurkó, Benedek Thaler, Kristóf Zs. Szalay, Dávid Fazekas, Tamás Korcsmáros, Péter Csermely (2013); ComPPI: a compartmentalized protein-protein interaction database (in Hungarian), XVII. Bolyai Conference, Budapest, Hungary
- Daniel V. Veres, Peter Csermely (2011); ComPPI: a compartmentalized protein-protein interaction database (in Hungarian), Hungarian Biochemical Society meeting, Pécs, Hungary – citable abstract in Biokémia (XXXV./3)
- Daniel V. Veres, Peter Csermely (2011); A compartmentalized protein-protein interaction network as a novel model of ageing; The Science of Ageing - University of Brighton, UK – citable abstract in Biogerontology
- Daniel V. Veres, Gabriella Marosi, Peter Csermely (2011); A compartmentalized protein-protein interaction network as a novel model of aging; Final Annual Scientific Meeting of PROTEOMAGE - Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary – best poster award