- Nationality: Hungarian
- Address: Theoretical Biology and Ecology Modelling Group.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University
Pázmány Péter Sétány 1/C, H-1117, Budapest, HUNGARY
- E-mail: pal [at]
- 1994-1998 undergraduate student. Eötvös Loránd University. Budapest.
- 1998 BA. Thesis: Evolution of epigenetic inheritance systems (in hungarian)
- 1998 – 2001 graduate student. Eötvös Loránd University. Budapest. Supervisor: Eörs Szathmáry
- 1999- 2000 Travel grant. University of Bath. UK. Supervisor: Laurence D.Hurst
- 2000 – 2001 Junior Fellowship. Collegium Budapest. Hungary
- 2001. PhD Thesis. Title: Sex and genome evolution
- 2001-2002 Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellowship. University of Bath, UK
- 2003 – Research Assistant. Theoretical Biology and Ecology Research Group. Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Eötvös University
Competitons, Honors and Awards
- 2005 – Talentum Award of the Hungarian Academy of Science
Invited talks
- 15.08.1999. V. Congress ofthe European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Barcelona. Title: The evolution of dual inheritance systems on the adaptive landscape.
- 10.12.1999 Seminar talk. University of Sussex. UK. Title: Evolution of gene number.
- 12. 4.2000 Brown bag discussion. Konrad Lorenz Institute. Altenberg, Austria. Title: Epigenetic inheritance in evolution.
- 25.11.2001. Contextualizing the genome: The role of Epigenetics in Genetics, Development and Evolution. Ghent. Title: Mutational robustness and evolution.
- 04.07.2004. Structural Approaches to Sequence Evolution: Molecules, Network, Populations. Interdisciplinary Conference on Molecular Evolution
- Pál, C. (1998). Plasticity, memory and the adaptive landscape of the genotype. Proc. Roy.Soc.London.B. 265: 1319-1323. IF: 3.4
- Pál, C. and Miklós, I. (1999) Epigenetic inheritance, genetic assimilation and speciation Jour.Theor.Biol.200: 16-37 IF:1.5
- Pál, C. and Szathmáry, E. (2000) The concept of fitness and individuality revisited. Jour.Evol.Biol. 13:348-357 IF: 2.6
- Williams, E Pál, C. and Hurst. L.D. (2000). Molecular evolution of signal peptides. Gene 253: 313-322 IF: 2.8
- Pál, C. and Hurst, L.D. (2000) The evolution of gene number: are heritable and non-heritable errors equally important? Heredity 84:393-400. IF: 1.6
- Pál, C. and Papp B. (2000). Selfish cells threaten multicellular life. Trends.Ecol.Evol. 15 :351-352. IF: 11.9
- Hurst, L.D. and Pál, C (2001): Evidence of purifying selection acting on silent sites in BRCA1. Trends Genet. 17: 62-65 IF: 13.2
- Pál, C. (2001) Yeast prions and evolvability. Trends. Genet. 17:167-9. IF: 13.2
- Szathmáry, E. Jordán, F. and Pál, C. (2001) Can genes explain biological complexity? Science. 292:1315-6. IF: 26.6
- Pál, C. Papp B. and Hurst, L.D. (2001): Highly expressed genes in yeast evolve slowly. Genetics 158: 927-931 IF:4.5
- Pál, C. Papp B. and Hurst, L.D. (2001): Does the recombination rate affect the efficiency of purifying selection? The yeast genome provides a partial answer.
Mol Biol Evol. 18:2323-6. IF: 5.2
- Hurst LD, Williams EJ, Pal C (2002): Natural selection promotes the conservation of linkage of co-expressd genes . Trends Genet. 18:604-606. IF: 13.2
- Pál, C. Papp B. and Hurst, L.D. (2003): Genomic function: Rate of evolution and gene dispensability. Nature. 421:496-7. IF: 30.4
- Papp, B., Pál, C. and Hurst, L.D. (2003) Evolution of cis-regulatory elements in duplicated genes of yeast. Trends Genet. 19: 417-422 IF: 13.2
- Pál, C. and Hurst, L.D (2003): Evidence for co-evolution of gene order and recombination rate Nature Gen. 33:392-5 IF: 26.7
- Papp, B., Pál, C. and Hurst, L.D. (2003) Dosage sensitivity and the evolution of gene families in yeast. Nature 424: 194-7 IF: 30.4
- Hurst, L.D., Pál, C. and Lercher, M.J. (2004): The evolutionary dynamics of eukaryotic gene order. Nature Review Genetics 5, 299 –310 IF: 21.8
- Pál, C. and Hurst, L.D. (2004): Evidence against the selfish operon theory. Trends Genet. 20, 232-234. IF: 13.2
- Pál, C. and Hurst, L.D (2003): Epigenetic inheritance and evolutionary adaptation. In: Organelles, Genomes and Eukaryotic Phylogeny: an Evolutionary Synthesis in the Age of Genomics (e.d.)Hirt R. and Horner D. (in press)
- Papp, B., Pál, C. and Hurst, L.D. (2004) Metabolic network analysis of the causes and evolution of gene dispensability in yeast Nature 429, 661-664. IF: 30.4
- Soti, C., Pal, C., Papp, B. and Csermely, P. (2005) Molecular chaperones as regulatory elements of cellular networks. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 17, 210-215.
- Hurst, L.D. and Pal, C. (2005) Dissecting dispensability. Nature Genet. 37, 214-215.
- Pal, C., Papp, B. and Lercher, M.J. (2005) Adaptive evolution of bacterial metabolic networks by horizontal gene transfer. Nature Genet. 37, 1372-1375
- Pál, C., Papp, B., Lercher, M.J., Csermely, P., Oliver, S.G. and Hurst, L.D. (2006) Chance and necessity in the evolution of minimal metabolic networks. Nature, in press