- 006/09-2010/06 B.S. Software Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
- 2010/09- M.S. Computer Science, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
Working Experience
- 2011.6 – 2011.11 SA group, Microsoft Research Asia
Office365 Log Analysis about Spike Detection & Error Inference
- 2010.11 –2011.5 Commerce Transaction Platform team, Microsoft
Development of several tools, bug-fix as well as deployment stuff
- 2010.4 – 2010.8 Mobile Security Group, Tencent Research
Design of front-end customized UI framework, as well as many logical staff
- 2009.8 – 2009.11 R&D Center, Ericsson Shanghai
Project configuration and building staff, UI design and logic of interaction with servers
Professional Skills
- Long engaged in C++, Java, C#, script such as Perl, Python, Octave, R, PHP
- Excellent understanding of Architecture Design
- Familiar with opengl, Experienced in QT, WPF
- Familiar with various Mobile Platform: s60 3th, Android, J2ME
Research Area & Interests
- Bayesian Network, Uncertainty, data mining, etc.
- Complex Network, structure and dynamics
- Brain Theory, including learning mechanism, sub-consciousness, reasoning & inference, etc.
- Fractal, as well as the philosophical idea inside
- 2008, 2009: People scholarship of China
- 2008: Endeavourers Scholarship of China
- 2010: Master scholarship